[TAG] What’s in my Bag?

Last weekend I was tagged by one of my favorite bloggers from Germany, Shelynx from Der blasse Shimmer. I thought it is a good idea for me to go for a different type of post than I have written until now, since in this one I could be a bit more personal, which some of you may find lacking in my blog. I also don't want to miss this opportunity to tag a few friends and see inside their bags *evil smile*. Alright so here is my take on this... 

The Bag

My crazy orange bag

Yes this is bright and orange! This was the reason I wanted it. Although this year there are many similar orange bags, last year, despite Pantone color of the year being tangerine, it was rather a challenge to find one. This one was not being sold in Stuttgart, Germany but that couldn't hold me back. I made them order it from Michael Kors counter in Breuninger and waited for it for a month to come.

I am generally happy with the pockets and sections it offers. It has two zipped and one open part. I use the open one to put things I have to reach quickly but which are also large enough not to fall and get lost, something like umbrella or gloves.

A look at inside of my bag
Inside the bag

I decided to follow the schema of Shelynx and go through the things by numbering them. 

Things which are in the middle pocket

#1 - Case for my glasses: Yes I use glasses, especially when I am driving. After managing to live without them over 25 years, I had to get one for driving. I then noticed that it was much easier also at meetings to read small text reflected by beamer. I don't have lenses, if I don't want glasses, I just don't use them :-)

#2: Umbrella: The smallest and lightest umbrella I could find. I believe this one is from Marks & Spencer. I always carry it with me including summer seasons, as I found it to be life saving on some unexpected occasions. Also I hate doing my hair and having rain ruining it, so this one is a must have for me.

#3 Gloves for Smartphone: What is this doing here, aren't we in spring yet? Well we were and I put it away but yesterday it was so cold that I decided to put it back in. These ones were a present from my hubby last year for Christmas. They have some metal part on the tip of the thumb and index finger so that I can use my iphone also when it is cold outside. For those of you who are curious, I got mine from Roeckl.

Other things from middle pocket

#4 - Garage opener: True vintage item inside my bag. This device is an early sample of electrical garage opener from probably around 20th century ;-) White button opens the gate and red one is for my garage and these are the only two tasks this big device can do! Think about how the things changed from 1995 to today... Now smart phones are even smaller and lighter than that one. Anyway after these serve their purpose, I should donate it to vintage electronics museum.

#5 - Keychain and keys: I still keep my keys in the key holder I purchased from Shanghai during World Expo in 2010. 

#6 - Blotting papers from Chanel: Having dry to normal skin, I really don't need those but I use its mirror from time to time.

#7 - Passport: Yes I always carry it with me around, especially after once forgetting it right before a flight and missing that flight.

Things from front pocket
#8 - Random discount coupons: You can make sure that you always find a few of those in my bag. I go over those from time to time an throw away the ones which expires.

#9 - Silver case for business cards: A necessity for modern day business woman ;-p Mine was a present from my mother. I find it really useful but I try to remember leaving it at home before flying because a few times scans have shown a big metal thing in my bag and I had to convince them that it was just this case.

#10 - Paper tissues: Without those, I couldn't survive. Especially because my nose reacts to each temperature change especially between indoor and outdoor and anything spicy may make me reach for those.

#11: Mirror: A gift from Laura Mercier counter in Breuninger, very light and handy as it can be folded to be placed on a desk.

Random things from small side pocket of my bag

#12 - Keys for office: These are for opening my drawers and cupboard at the office. Keychain came as a present with one of my favorite shoes from Art.

#13 - Car keys: Despite the distance between home and work being just 4 km, I am usually driving to work for not to carry my laptop all the way. 

#14 - Biometric photos: These days you never know when you need one of those, so i slipped the last ones taken for my passport in my bag.

#15 - Chewing gum: Perfect for after eating if I can't brush my teeth because of being on the way.

#16 - Discount coupons from WC: These might be unique to German. The idea is that you pay 70 cents for WC on motor-way service areas and they give you a 50 cent coupon which you can spend later while buying something from the shop. I usually get these then never find them in my bag again. Do you know these in any other country?

Now it is time for some cosmetics...

Cosmetics lingering in my bag

#17 - Retractable lip brush: I am loving this recent addition to my bag, retractable lip blush from Dior for touch-ups during the day, comes in a cute velvet pouch. 

#18 - Retractable kabuki brush: Another recent addition to my collection. I am using this to apply Chanel Les Beiges healthy glow sheer powder. It is very soft and fluffy and it certainly needs cleaning soon...

#19 - Chanel Les Beiges No.20: I am still testing this product and planning to write a proper review on it soon. Since only no. 10, 30, 40 and 50 available in Germany, I ordered this one from France. 

#20 - Chanel Eclat Lumiere highlighter pen: For touch-ups during the days I need concealing on my spots.

Rest include my favorite lipsticks at the moment, so I will be just stating their name and numbers. I try not to carry more than five lipsticks in my bag:

#21 - Tom Ford lip Color Shine in 06 Abandon

#22 - Dior Addict Extreme Lipstick in 343 Spring Ball

#23 - YSL Volupte Shine Lipstick in 03 Violet Incognito

#24 - Chanel Rouge Coco Lipstick in 51 Ce Soir

Inside and outside of my purse and my nail file

#25 - Purse: I got this purse for my winter bag, which is purple. I am so happy with it, I decided to keep it for now until I get something fitting to orange. I have some money, credit cards as well as store cards inside, which I won't reveal here for safety issues ;-)

#26 - Pocket file: Another must have for me since my long nails may break and need a first aid. 

Congratulations for reading up to here. I knew it would be a challenge to write about my bag and look how long this post became. Anyway now comes the fun part, I would like to tag my fellow blogger friends and hope to take a glance inside their bags: Bellyhead from Wondegondigo, Chicscience from Chic Science Blog,  Lipstickblvds from Lip Stick Boulevards, Kai from Kais Obsessions. Also any of you who would like to take the challenge or have already written a similar post, just put a link to your post below at comments section. 

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