Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Blog Post Series, Tom Ford Quads IX: The Coolest, #14 Ice Queen

We have a new Tom Ford Palette on board! So cool for my Blog Post Series and beyond. I mean it is really cool, it is the "Ice Queen" *a cold wind blows*.

Tom Ford Quad #14 Ice Queen

I don't know how the weather is at where you are right now but here it is sunny and still over 15°C which makes it hard for me to talk about ice, snow and winter. Nevertheless I wanted to feature "the new palette" as soon as possible so rushed to the post office yesterday before bringing my car to the service for check-up. As they were doing their job, I rushed home and took advantage of the sun to make some good pictures. Following you see pictures of me turning the palette around to get as much sun as possible to shine on it.

Tom Ford Quad #14 Ice Queen

I tried hard to capture the blue tingle of the palette with no success. It looks very silvery/grey but there is a tad of blue in there. I am wearing this one today and asked my hubby what color I am wearing, he said it is grey with a light blue hint. This is exactly how it applies on the lids.

Tom Ford Quad #14 Ice Queen

Now a close-up before we start with the swatches. Sorry for the blurry quality of that one, I would love to edit it once I am home but I will be away until next week. I am driving to Berlin tonight. So much for "Tom Ford" since I will be visiting Tom Ford counter there, which we unfortunately don't have in Stuttgart yet. I have some brushes on my wish list for so long now and I am planning to play around with them.

Tom Ford Quad #14 Ice Queen

Swatches reveal the first three shades (from the swatches below) would make a bluish grey trio similar to In The Pink. These three are very close in color but different in texture. For those of you who said "In The Pink" was lacking a definition shade when we discussed about it back then, are in luck since this time the fourth shade is a deep matte as you wished. The last three shades on the other hand, look like a cooler version of She-Wolf which I love. But then does the first shade really add that much to the last three? It surely does a nice highlight on inner corner but I guess that is it for me. For frost/metallic lovers out there, this shade has certainly more to offer.

Here goes the shade descriptions:
Top left: Cool white with frost finish
Top right: Semi opaque silver glitter on light grey base
Bottom left: Light grey with a hint of blue, satin finish
Bottom right: Very deep grey leaning slightly blue, matte finish

Swatch under sun: Tom Ford Quad #14 Ice Queen

Below you can see what I am wearing today on my eyes. I applied the light satin grey (bottom left) all over the lid, defined the outer corner and crease with deep matte grey (bottom right). I then added some of the frosty white (top left) to highlight the inner corner and padded some of the glitter (top right) sparsely on the lid to add a bit of oomph. The quality of the shadows are superb. The shades are buttery to touch and blend effortlessly. The glitter shade is also of superb quality and sticks on my dry lids without a problem and doesn't wonder around my face. 

All in all this shade combination is not the most flattering one for me, but it certainly works on my NC20-25 complexion. I have to note here though that I have rather natural undertones (e.g. NC and NW both work on me). I can imagine this one may pull very cool and crash on some complexions with strong warm/yellow undertones.

In-action: Tom Ford Quad #14 Ice Queen
Also check out Jenny's beautiful pictures and swatches here.

Final thoughts: A great basic palette from Tom Ford for those of you ladies out there who would like to add an icy bit of something to their make-up. 

Ice Queen is released in US but not yet in Germany. I got mine from eBay from an Italian seller. This indicates it should arrive here soonish.

What do you think, loving it or leaving it? Do you like your eyes ice cold?


  1. The colors don't appeal to me because those super icy and super cool-toned greys don't flatter me. The same with clothing. I love greys but with a good dose of warmth in it. I'm glad to see that the quality is looking smooth, pigmented and buttery though!

    1. Yes the quality is great. But you are right, this one is not your quad. You look fab with Orchid Haze though! :-)

  2. Looks gorgeous on you but wouldn't look as good on me. Beautiful quad but I'd probably use only the dark grey. :(

    1. Hi Icaria,
      I know you like warm colors more. This is as cool as it gets, so probably not for warm lovers.

  3. Hey girly, I think you rock this quad! I am not so sure about it because I'm a tad darker and my undertone is really warm, but I do like it on you!

    1. Hi Sunny,
      I think dark/fair doesn't matter that much but undertone may make a difference. You are rocking some blues, which are also cool so this might as well work, just saying ;-)

  4. I love these Grey nuances on you! Fortunately I can pull off pretty well with cooler tones like these! thank you for your inputs, I shall definitively check out this palette when I get the chance. Very beautiful indeed :)

    1. Hi nemesis,
      if you like cooler tones, you should definitely check this one out. Let me know how you like it.

  5. It looks really pretty on you! I'm not a cool lid usually but...I think I need it anyway for my TF collection :P

    1. If you have a TF collection, well, then, you don't have a choice other than clicking buy ;-)

  6. I like how cool tone it is.... but i dunno if it's worth it... i'm trying to cut back LOL I think the two pale colors are really similar but it is gorgeous!! I love the blue tones tho

    1. Hi Yin,
      if you like the cool tones then I would definitely check this one out. It has one of the best formulas out there.

  7. This is not really my color, but you are rocking the shade very well :)

    1. Hi memoiselle,
      thanks :-) I was not sure if I could pull it off, but it turns out it was not that bad.

  8. Love love love! Alas my cosmetics diet continue... When I am back in the States this could be the first one I could buy though :)

    1. Diet is always good, this one is perm, so you are not missing it anyway. Wish I could go into a diet too ...
      When will you be back?

  9. I love the look you created with it :)


I love to hear what you think. Fell free to write in English, German or Turkish.

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