Thursday, March 20, 2014

[Tag] 30 Random Facts About Me

I was tagged by Jenny from Belletristic Beauty, so here it goes with 30 random facts you wouldn't like to know about me.

  1. My favorite color is purple (as if you haven't known it yet ;-) 

  2. I dyed parts of my hair in pink, purple or blue during university.

  3. The first eye shadow quad I purchased was from Chanel, before that I was using make-up from my mother or what my aunt was giving me.

  4. Aside from my obsession to collect make-up, I also like collecting academical degrees. Until now I have BS (Bachelor of Science), MS (Master of Science), MM (Master of Music) and PhD. Nowadays I have my eyes on the next one...
  5. During my studies of electronics engineering, I found the joy in long electronics lab hours by designing necklace and armbands from capacitors, resistors and transistors. During one of my internships, I was bored by not having anything to do and and started painting woman figures on copper boards using soldering material. I offered my art work(!) later to the employees. 
  6. My favorite dish is meatballs with french fries (how unhealthy of me!).

  7. I like listening to Shostakovic, Debussy and Arvo Pärt. But my favorite composer of all times must be Beethoven, my favorite piece is his 9th. Preparing the chorus part with instrumental recitative right before putting it into words... Genius! But I shall stop here, I can write a whole essay on 9th and what I feel listening to it but this is supposed to be a beauty blog...
  8. My favorite sport activity at the moment is Zumba. I used to play tennis but I haven't done it for so long, I am afraid I might not be able to meet the ball anymore :-} 
  9. I also like swimming, especially in the sea while watching the fishes. But I am very afraid of deep dark seas, my worst nightmares have big waves in the ocean.

  10. I love listening to Jefferson Airplane and I was obsessed with Grace Slick during high school. Talking of white rabbit, my all time fav children book is Alice in Wonderland.
  11. I do makeup everyday but some times I forget to apply mascara and I don't notice it until I take a selfie.

  12. I have no problem with spiders but I don't like the idea of meeting a snake in person.

  13. I used to sing in an alternative rock band before, during and after university for over 10 years.

  14. I used to play keyboard and guitar in my first band and had to start singing before a concert because the vocalist was a nightmare. After that concert, I never stopped doing that.

  15. I once dated each one of identical twins. Not at once!

  16. Aside from my ears I never had piercings but I used to pierce my nails and hang some rings during university.
  17. My favorite composer to play on the piano is Chopin. After playing a few of his works, I attempted playing one of his "advanced" pieces which led my piano teacher making me promise I won't do that again without her guidance :-} I thought I was doing just fine :-p

  18. I am a cat person. I previously had two cats, one of them was just two weeks ago when I found her, she was too young to drink from a cup so I used to feed her with a baby bottle.

  19. I found it awful to kill insects just because they entered the flat so over the years I developed effective methods to get them out without giving them harm.

  20. Two years ago I was diagnosed with a serious illness which I found out the next day after my wedding. Over the coarse of treatment which took six months I had to stop working. During this time I reflected upon life and change some of my points of view. At that time I also went through a spring cleaning of friends.

  21. I took courses on history of cinema and I love watching independent movies. I used to watch over 40 movies in two weeks during film festivals. This is how I once won a whole day cruise with directors by showing the number of tickets I had.

  22. My favorite era is Impressionism, both art and music. 
  23. I love contouring but I am too lazy to highlight.

  24. I can't watch (good quality) horror movies. I can't sleep for days after watching one. Same goes for ones with a lot of violence in them.

  25. Aside from a full time job and blogging, I also teach at a local university as a side job.

  26. I have brown hair but a part of it has pigmentation deficiency since my birth so this part is light blonde. You might think I dyed my hair (and many don't believe me) but at the moment the my hair is not dyed.

  27. I don't like rules and think they kill the creativity.

  28. My favorite city is Rome. I love everything about it, especially the history, the people and ice-cream!
  29. My favorite cuisine is Japanese, I could eat Sashimi everyday! My visit to Japan must have been my favorite travel ever. I just wished I would have known more about make-up and brushes back then.
  30.   I almost never watched TV my whole life, but I can safely say that I am internet addicted.
Phew... Could you make it until here? Thanks sticking up with my randomness.
Now comes the fun part for me, I should pick up whom to tag, lol. *evil look and grin*
*drums* so here it goes...

Linda from Silverkis
Ebru from ChicScience
Jaa from HelloJaa
Helena from Icaria's
Jo from MakeupRemastered
Once you write your posts, please let me know so I can link your posts.

Anything you could relate with from my facts? What were these?


  1. OOOhhhh hmmmm Ok After you read my tag list promise me you won't be scared of me LMAO :)

    1. Lol, I promise! I can't wait to read more about you.

  2. I loved reading more about you, Sara! And nope. I never would have guessed that your favorite color is purple, lol. I would love it if you wrote a post once in a while on music - Debussy, sigh. I'm the complete opposite, I always put on highlighter, but rarely wear bronzer. And I'm still so jealous of everywhere you've been. So lucky!

    1. Lol Jenny, I think you knew everything about me (and more) but I am glad there were more to it.
      I am using Kevin Aucoin contouring at the moment since I also don't like doing bronzers all the time. But I imagine you are very pale therefore it is hard to contour. I think Illamasqua has a suitable product though. Do you also like Debussy?

    2. I love Debussy. I love a lot of kinds of music, I'll listen to almost anything--except country, heavy metal and rap. What I listen to generally depends on my mood. Classical music is almost always calming and inspiring for me. I seriously would love a post on music though!

  3. I'm fine with spiders, too, but I can't even see a snake on TV! They make me cringe so bad. That and crocodiles. I found Tango when he was a day or two old, so I also raised him with a bottle! I guess that's why he is a little maladjusted though LOL

    So sorry to hear about the serious illness. Whatever it is, I hope it's under control. And man, you're SMART! I have two master's degrees, but I bailed on my PhD :p

    1. Ugh, yes I am also really not that glad to see things crawl on TV. Last summer I have met a snake, it was under the table and people went on sitting there, I literally jumped and left the scene lol.
      Wow another one with two masters! That is impressive!
      Baby bottle was fun but afterwards she wanted to always be fed by it. It took me long hours trying to convince her to drink from a cup. I used my fingers and once she licked put them in the cup so that she could use her tongue to do it.

    2. Aww that's so cute! Tango started chewing on it when he was teething, so we had to help him wean. It was quite a battle though. At first I had to force the food into his mouth, and then I had to watch out so that he wouldn't stand IN the plate and make a big mess. Can't believe he's almost 8 now ;)

    3. Aw Tango, such a cuty! Time pass so quickly. I wish I could get new kitties but my hubby is allergic *sigh*

  4. Into Shostakovich, academics and makeup? If we weren't both hetero, I'd ask you to marry me.

    1. Lol Kate, you cracked me up.
      I am happy to find another Shostakovich and academics fan in make-up community :-*

  5. I loved your tag!!! It's always amazing for me to find people who love classical music, alternative music, films and impressionism as I do. You academic degrees are also impressing, and a relief for me -I studied at a Think Tank, and most women see makeup, fashion, hair styles as unnecessary necessity, so I was sometimes feeling alone in this world... I now know I'm not.
    I'm sorry to read about your illness... I also changed a lot my mind and actually started blogging after two surgeries and about a month in bed.
    I did this tag too a couple of weeks ago, I hope you have the chance to take a look at it ;)

    1. Hi Anne, this is great to hear that you wrote this post too, I tried to find it at your blog but couldn't, could you please leave a link here?
      Well, the time I started getting obsessed with makeup is also actually during my treatment and afterwards, so this look like how you just described. Sorry to hear that you had to go through a hard time too but in the end we found something we really like :-) Blogging and beauty.
      Many hugs to another impressionism fan :-**

    2. Hi, sure!!! Here's the link:
      I apologize in advance if it may be hard to read, because this particular post goes one sentence in Spanish and one in English.
      Unfortunately I had to go through such hard times to realice what's not worth and rediscover old loves -I've always said I'm a makeup junkie even before the era of blogs, I just didn't write about it lol.

  6. Es war schön, diese Dinge über Dich zu lesen... Nach 30 Punkten und gefühlten 20Mal,die ich gedacht habe "dazu möchte ich Dir im Kommentar etwas sagen"... komme ich jetzt bei den Kommentaren an und muss als Fazit ziehen: Mit Dir würde ich gerne einmal einen Kaffee trinken. Du bist eine interessante, vielseitige Person mit Kopf, Geschmack und bist trotzdem eigen in Deinem Geschmack! Eine Alternative Band! Wow! ...
    Du hast viel erlebt... es tat mir leid den Punkt Deiner Erkrankung zu lesen. So etwas verändert. Es setzt auch Perspektiven .. und Prioritäten ... aber ich wünsche es niemandem. Ich hoffe, Dir geht es gut und die Zukunft wird noch viel von Dir sehen... Es gibt noch genug Titel und Wissen und Lidschattenpaletten zu sammeln :-)

    Alles herzliche Liebe

    1. Vielen Dank für deine liebe Kommentar. Wann ich deine Artikeln lese, fühle ich auch genauso, ich muss mehr darüber sagen und sie passen nicht in diese kleine Kommentarfläche ein. Ich wollte schon vorher vorschlagen dass wir uns mal treffen, wir wohnen ja sehr nah. Ich komme ab und zu nach Heidelberg aber können wir auch genauso einen Stuttgart Kaffee/Kennenlernen/Shopping Tag machen, dem nächst gibt es auch Coupon Aktion bei Breuninger ;-) Mehr details schreibe ich dann per DM.
      Liebe Grüße

  7. Wonderful tag! I'm not surprised about quite a few of your random facts, you've always given me an impression of a really smart and sophisticated woman with amazing taste.
    Sorry to hear about your illness, but it seems like you've further found yourself during the treatment period and came out on top of it even better!

    1. Aww, that is so nice of you, thanks. *hugs*
      A long illness is nothing I would want anyone to have but once it happens, it is good to get the best out of it (if there is something like that) ;-)

  8. #15 - LOL!

    It's so fun to read more about you. So many skills! Sorry to hear about the spring cleaning of friends but I've done the same in the past and life is better for it. Tough to do/go through though.

    The hair thing is a revelation. SO COOL.

    1. Hi Liz,
      thanks so much for reading all these strange stuff about me :-*
      As I get older, I find it more convenient to have a few friends around me that I can thrust and other were cumbersome to keep contact. It is nice to hear that you did the same and feel good about your decision. I sometimes go back and think if I did the right thing...

  9. I love Impressionism too! I love love love playing CHopin and Liszt :-)

    1. Yay! I would love to hear you play. This is great to hear we share art love on top of our make-up enthusiasm.

  10. You're so interesting Sara!! Lovely to get to know the girl behind the blog better xx

    Stacey Expat Make-Up Addict xx

    1. Thanks tacey, I also read yours with great interest :-**

  11. HMMM. Beautiful, smart, talented AND dating identical human beings you say?

    *plots in fit of jealous rage*

  12. This was really interesting, and relatable! I also collect academic degrees in science (more social science though) but also love makeup. I think the men in my program feel its such a dichotomy! lol. Great to hear more about you and your life. :)

  13. Hi Sara!

    I just thanked you on Twitter but I'll thank you again here for tagging me! :D This sounds like fun but it will be a little hard for me to come up with 30 random facts about myself, lol, but I'll try!

    A Bachelor, two Masters, and a PhD?! Man, you're one smart woman! I graduated a B.Sc. and went straight to PhD and worked for two years then quit. I'm doing my post-doc now as a way to avoid real life haha!

    I'm the same when it comes to forgetting to apply mascara! It's so embarrassing having a full face makeup but with invisible lashes (my lashes are technically non-existent, lol!).

    I really love your nail piercings - cute! :D

    And you are just like my boyfriend. He never harms insects! He feels bad if he ever steps on an ant or something. :D

    I am the opposite! I love to highlight but I rarely contour. I'm starting to do it more, though, as it seems to make a big difference in photos.

    Well, it was fun learning more about you! And I'm sorry to hear about your illness. I hope you're alright now. Sometimes things just happen for a reason and maybe one of the reasons is for you to become a better and stronger person. :)

    I'll let you know once I post! :D

  14. Holy moly Sara, you are quite an interesting person! I always thought of you as a smart intelligent person so some things are no surprise ^^. I love these tags, it shows a bit of your other side as a blogger :).


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