Thank you Sara.
Let me introduce myself, I'm Natalia, from Argentina living in Switzerland, I am a mom and I have a blog named Polished Polyglot about makeup and cosmetics in general but mainly about nails. I wouldn't call myself a "nail blogger" but if you would that's ok ;)
NOTD: Spring has Sprung!
The prompt today was Spring makeup look, and of course as Sara knows my weakness for nails she allowed me to present you a manicure. I thought a nail art look couldn't be missing in this series, after all nail polish IS makeup! So I am bringing to you a NOTD (nails of the day) inspired by spring.
The prompt today was Spring makeup look, and of course as Sara knows my weakness for nails she allowed me to present you a manicure. I thought a nail art look couldn't be missing in this series, after all nail polish IS makeup! So I am bringing to you a NOTD (nails of the day) inspired by spring.
Minty colors are always popular, and this year Essie launched this new shade called "Blossom dandy" as part of its Spring Collection "Flowerista". It was very hard to choose a design! but I decided to go for a mint base, white polka dots and free-hand painted roses, to achieve a romantic kinda-vintage look on these nails.
The products I used can be seen on the picture below from left to right: Zoya Shawn, Zoya Tilda, Zoya Eden, Zoya Dot, Essie Blossom Dandy, Manhattan ProFrench tip whitener, a dotting tool and a detailing nail art brush.
For the execution of the nail art, I first painted the nails using the Essie minty color and then using the white polish and the dotting tool I draw a pattern of polka dots. Finally using the detailing brush I painted the roses you see on my thumb, ring and middle fingernails.
I have certainly had a blast writing for Sara's guest post series, I hope you have enjoyed reading this too, in case you have, you can continue reading my nonsense at Polished Polyglot, but in case you haven't, don't worry Sara will be back soon!